Thank You!

We would love to help you schedule your Mind-Eye Exam. Our New Patient Advocates will be contacting you shortly to schedule your Mind-Eye Exam, or you can call us immediately and reach us during office hours at 847.744.9167 ext 1 to schedule your appointment.

Autism and Developmental Deficiencies

Post-Concussion &
Traumatic Brain Injury Exams

Many people suffer from various post-concussive and brain injury symptoms such as photophobia, ocular fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and sleep problems and mood changes. We understand that interactions between the electrical and biochemical pathways in the brain affect physical, physiological and psychological systems. Patients undergo a thorough examination with advanced technology and testing techniques to measure visual performance and visual processing functions. The goal is to determine whether the visual processing systems are in balance with other sensory systems that require perception of space and time, such as auditory localization ability.

A Different Approach to
Learning Difficulties, ADD/ADHD

At our practice, developmental examinations cover much more than how well a patient can see. For example, a child who is diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, CAPD, or developmental delays, may in fact be experiencing these symptoms as a results at least in part because of visual systems dysfunctions. It is important to realize that eyesight is only one small part of the visual system; there are many other visual inputs often not addressed during routine eye exams. Each of the systems develop in a hierarchy, linking with other systems' development. For instance, motor skills and visual skills combine for good hand-eye coordination, or visual and auditory skills combine for reading.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

I'm ready to come in and schedule an appointment right now! - What is the next step?

Great! You can call us immediately and reach our New Patient Specialists during office hours at 847-744-9167 ext. 1 to schedule your appointment.

I'm not sure it's in my budget. What are my options?

Click here to view our new patient mind-eye exam pricing. For Financial Assistance and Payment Plan Options - we also offer CareCredit financing.

Is this covered by insurance?

Because of the nature of the unique tests and cutting-edge procedures at the Mind-Eye Institute, such as the patented Z-Bell Test℠, many elements of our Mind-Eye examination are not covered by insurance. Oftentimes, CPT Codes for the Mind-Eye procedures are not listed with Medicare. That’s why those advanced procedures may not be reimbursed by insurance companies.

After your appointment, you will receive an itemized invoice with the standard optometric procedure, diagnosis, and therapeutic codes . You can then use this information to submit for a reimbursement from your insurance carrier on the basis of what the carrier will cover.

We are happy to help you through that process. For a first appointment, we suggest requesting pre- approval from your insurance company to maximize potential coverage. Sometimes, carriers have forms for the patient and doctor to fill out. If you would like to call your carrier, we can provide you with some potential procedure codes to see if a portion of your evaluation can be covered.

I still have a few questions. Who can I ask?

No problem! Give us a call at 847-744-9167 extension 1 and one of our New Patient Advocates will be happy to answer any of your questions.