Light Sensitivity, Sound Sensitivity: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions

Light Sensitivity, Sound Sensitivity: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions

Key TakeawaysThese sensitivities can cause anxiety, depression, and isolationMind-Eye Institute uses neuro-optometric lenses to stimulate the brain and restore sensory processing80% of Mind-Eye patients improved sound sensitivity since 2022The soft glow of a bedroom lamp suddenly seems much too bright. Images emanating from television and computer screens become painful to the eyes. Once loved music is


Auditory/Visual Integration Assessment and Treatment in Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Auditory/Visual Integration Assessment and Treatment in Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Overlooked Effects of Ambient Lighting on Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease

Overlooked Effects of Ambient Lighting on Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease

Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Cortical and Subcortical Interfacing via Retinal Pathways

Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Cortical and Subcortical Interfacing via Retinal Pathways

Remarkable Possibilities: Clinical Applications of Interactions Among the Cornea, Extraocular Muscles and Retina

Remarkable Possibilities: Clinical Applications of Interactions Among the Cornea, Extraocular Muscles and Retina

fMRI Analysis of Three Concurrent Processing Pathways

fMRI Analysis of Three Concurrent Processing Pathways

Non-Invasive Assessment and Treatment of Autonomic Function Using Retinal Circuitry

Non-Invasive Assessment and Treatment of Autonomic Function Using Retinal Circuitry

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