Light Sensitivity

Light Sensitivity

Using the Z-bell℠ Test to Remediate Spatial Deficiencies in Non-Image-Forming Retinal Processing

Abstract Preliminary evidence from a larger study is presented demonstrating that non-image-forming retinal processing takes place even through closed eyelids. The Z-bell℠ test, which has been in clinical use for more than twenty years shows that these processing channels affect how we perceive context in the space around us when forming visual imagery. By using

Light Sensitivity

Using the Z-bell℠ Test to Remediate Spatial Deficiencies in Non-Image-Forming Retinal Processing

Light Sensitivity

Using the Z-bell℠ Test to Remediate Spatial Deficiencies in Non-Image-Forming Retinal Processing

Abstract Preliminary evidence from a larger study is presented demonstrating that non-image-forming retinal processing takes place even through closed eyelids. The Z-bell℠ test, which has been in clinical use for more than twenty years shows that these processing channels affect how we perceive context in the space around us when forming visual imagery. By using

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