Additional Research

Additional Research

Light, Retina, and Metabolism of Glucose Are Linked

Latest Study Underscores Mind-Eye’s Use of Light to Stimulate Retina

Additional Research

Light, Retina, and Metabolism of Glucose Are Linked

Additional Research

Light, Retina, and Metabolism of Glucose Are Linked

Latest Study Underscores Mind-Eye’s Use of Light to Stimulate Retina

Speech Disorders: How Neuromodulation Through the Eyes May Offer New Answers

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Speech Disorders: How Neuromodulation Through the Eyes May Offer New Answers

Mind-Eye Institute Founder Delivers Message to Nonspeaking Patients

Sensory Impairments? Brain Disorders? Check the Eyes.

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Sensory Impairments? Brain Disorders? Check the Eyes.

Understanding Sensory Impairments and Brain DisordersWhy might an optometrist be interested in dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, vestibular sensory loss and other vestibular and sensory impairments, the proprioceptive system, even cerebral hypoxia, and birth asphyxia?Because an increasing number of studies are demonstrating the role of the eye’s retina in diagnosing these disorders, mitigating many of their

Retina Could Be Key to Detecting, Slowing Alzheimer’s

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Retina Could Be Key to Detecting, Slowing Alzheimer’s

The retina is proving key in the early detection of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders and could eventually become an important pathway for slowing the progression of these diseases and mitigating their symptoms, according to noted retinal processing expert Deborah Zelinsky, O.D.“The retina is composed of brain tissue and plays a critical role in the

Retina Offers Early Warnings of Alzheimer’s Disease

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Retina Offers Early Warnings of Alzheimer’s Disease

Could changes in the retina be an early warning sign of developing Alzheimer’s disease? Recent studies indicate yes, including research just published in a May 2023 issue of the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Even more exciting, the latest findings suggest that, some day in the relatively near future, the retina might be used or stimulated

Latest Glaucoma Study Highlights Work of Mind-Eye Team

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Latest Glaucoma Study Highlights Work of Mind-Eye Team

Link Between Blindness Disorder and Sleep Underscores Role of Retina

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